Women Empowerment Cell - Profile

A committee on women Empowerment was formed for the academic year 2022-23, with the following staff and students as members.


Smt.Y.Vanaja, Lecturer in Political Science 

Smt. K. Adilakshmi, Lec. In Comp. Appli.

Smt. D. Vishnu Priya, Lect. In Commerce

Smt. J. Mohanavalli, Lect. In English

Smt. K M Prasanna Lakshmi, CF in Physics


The Women Empowerment cell, Government Degree College for Women, Madanapalle, strives to improve the quality of life of women through the transfer of knowledge and motivation and to make the women empowered economically, socially, culturally and politically in order to make the fullest use of their potential to the growth of the nation.



Contributing towards an egalitarian society by bringing changes in the stigma of stipulated gender roles.
Objectives of the Women Empowerment cell:
To impart leadership qualities to the students
To promote a culture of respect and equality for the female gender.
The provision of opportunities and programs for the female gender to be financially, mentally, and emotionally empowered so as to promote their growth as individuals in their own right.
To make them aware of the guidelines of Supreme Court and to ensure that sexual harassment is treated as an unacceptable social behavior within the institution and the society.
To conduct seminar, workshop to impart knowledge of opportunities and tools available and train the women.
To help the self-help group women to get financial support by identifying the sources.
To inculcate entrepreneurial attitude among young girls, scientists at the earliest so that they can be “job givers” rather than “job takers”.
“ I will always consciously value and protect my dignity and self-respect.
 I will not tolerate any physical or mental abuse
I will remain committed to the elimination of violence against women”
To create awareness of the women’s Rights and to empower women.